Post by ahM. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
~ [US+EU Community]
- transatlantic daily -
. Huffpost Blog
It's Time to Treat America's Homeowners as Well
as We've Been Treating Wall Street's Bankers
(Arianna | Huffington Post)
That's tremendous: 10,000 US citizens are currently going into
foreclosure every day and, moreover, 2.3 million homeowners had faced
such proceedings last year, according to the AP report, an 81 percent
increase from 2007, and analysts say that number could soar as high as
10 million in the coming years, depending on the severity of the
recession. And the amount of attention given to the 'foreclosure
catastrophe' part would barely rate a sliver as far as the attention
given both by the government and by the media is concerned.
Yes, Arianna, it's time to start treating America's homeowners as well
as Wall Street's bankers have been treated. I appreciate Huffpost's
intention to spotlight overall pertinent stories of those claimants
due to the housing crisis.
Hi Frank
OK~ I read this post before I left but too pressed for time to catch up
I am back, a little later than expected, the city was slammed with people
trying to get out. So, I volunteered my ticket for a free ticket, hotel
stay and another meal in New Orleans.
I will make a few comments as I catch up with your other posts that seem
be intriguing by subject title alone
"drink to all that we have lost
mistakes we have made
everything will change"--gavin rossdale